Tuesday, May 31, 2011

Memorial Day Events

Parade in Cross Plains

Andrew & Matthew enjoying some treats in the hot weather

The babies chillin in the shade

Our Chinese lunch on Memorial Day - we had to go somewhere with air conditioning!

Fire and roasting marshmallows - Andrew had the sweet double marshmallow stick

Setting up the fire

Matthew got the hang of the marshmallow thing pretty quick. Except he didn't care to roast them. He just stuck them on his stick and ate them off.
The Fritels at Bobfest (Matthew couldn't handle the party)

We did get rained on a little

The babies swinging at the park

Sunday, May 22, 2011


This is Andrew's teacher presenting him with the "Math Whiz" award. You can't really see him because of someones head blocking the view but you can hear all the wonderful things she has to say about him :)


What do you want to be?

The teacher asked each kid what they wanted to be when they grow up. Jimmy was pretty proud of Andrew's response.

Muscial Performance at Graduation

Andrew's Preschool Graduation

Andrew and his friend Zach not paying attention during the ceremony

Andrew with his teacher, Mrs. Wade.

Andrew and his best friend, Zach

Andrew with his proud parents

Ready to graduate!

Walking in for Graduation

This is Andrew walking up for his preschool graduation. They played the song "Let Them Be Little", and yes, I got a little teary. And yes, Jimmy made fun of me.

Sunday, May 8, 2011

Andrew's Birthday and other things

Andrew turned 5 years old on Wednesday. He decorated his own cake. After he was done he informed me that we are out of sprinkles :)

So proud to be 5!

This is how I found Matthew one morning at 6:30. He had gotten into the cupcakes we made for Andrew's class treats. He said "Mom the muffins are yummy!"

We have had some beautiful weather the last few days. Grace, Matthew and I took a long walk/wagon ride on Saturday morning.

Sunday, May 1, 2011

My Bad

So I have failed to post anything for a month so I am posting all events for the month of April at one time.

Other things this month

The only problem Andrew found with this outfit was that he didn't have a shirt. He seemed to think it was normal to wear Matthew's pants and mismatched socks.

Matthew enjoying the new king size bed
Grace - 9 months old
Checking out her flowers

A Nice Day (finally!)

Swinging at the park

Grace loves it!

Ice Cream!

Of course they pick the brightest colored ice cream that will stain their face & clothes

Andrew is much neater than Matthew

And Grace was happy to just observe. Of course, she doesn't know what's she's missing!


We celebrated Caiden's & Andrew's birthdays!
Enjoying the cake

Claire also enjoyed the cake :)

Opening presents

Dyeing Easter eggs - boys first
Then the girls
Jett & Matthew playing cars in the bathtub
Grace spent alot of time hiding under the chairs

Claire also found a nice place to hide

Grandpa Bob watching the kids (or the tv)
The hunt for Easter baskets - it was hard to capture the excitement in a picture

The Easter Egg hunt

Andrew & Matthew hunting

Grace with Grandpa Bob

The Easter Bunny!

ND Trip

We made a trip to ND for Grandpa Morris' 90th birthday party.
The kids made themselves right at home

Grace claimed Isaac's frog for herself

The boys played us some lovely tunes on the piano

Grace also claimed Isaac's bouncy seat and he was not too happy about it

And then she attacked him from behind and stole his pacifer

ND made Matthew tired!

Grace cooking with Grandma

Wake up Uncle Steve-time to play legos!

Grandma with the babies

Lookes like Steve & Danielle are doing a great job watching Grace

Great Grandpa Tuhy with Grace

Great Grandma & Great Grandpa Tuhy with all the kids

Great Grandpa Morris with the great grandkids

Great Grandma & Great Grandma Morris with the Tuhy crew
Morris Cousins