Sunday, May 23, 2010

It's hot!

We spent a lot of time outside this weekend. It was 80 degrees Saturday and 90 on Sunday.

We set up the basketball hoop
Matthew tries really hard to make a basket

We set up the water table in the back yard

And filled the pool

Matthew needed some encouraging to go in the pool at first

He wasn't quite sure what to think about it

So Andrew showed him how it's done

Matthew worked on mowing the lawn

And Andrew washed the big tree

What's the hold up?

I've been slacking on the posts lately due to our basement project. Here is what we've been up to.

Andrew helped with the painting

Shower tiled, now the floor

Floor almost done!
The next step - Carpet! It's just sitting in the garage waiting to be installed.

Wednesday, May 5, 2010

Andrew's Brithday

Andrew's birthday was yesterday. We celebrated by having lunch at Noodles & Co, buying him some new summer clothes, going to see the waterfall at Governor Dodge State Park, and then back home for pizza and cake. It was a fun day!

Family photo at the state park

Mid-day 2 hour nap to recharge


Grandpa Bob and Yankee came to celebrate with us

Birthday cake!

Monday, May 3, 2010

Outdoor Fun

Jimmy tried to teach himself how to hunt Turkeys. He practiced setting up the blind in our backyard.

Look! It worked! 3 turkeys! :)
Andrew liked it so much he told me he was going to take a nap in it, so he did.

Andrew running the leafblower.

Matthew playing his new favorite game - bucket head.